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The research has revealed that more than 98% of Bible verses have, on average, 4.3 other verses that seem to contradict them. Additionally, more than 40% of the verses contain internal paradoxes (work in progress). Exploring these contradictions and paradoxes helps uncover the profound depth of the Bible's wisdom. We are proud to host the first and largest online database dedicated to cataloging these insights!

Learn these Contradicting Verses

Verse Contradicting Daniel 4:13

According to the author of the Book of Daniel, this verse means that Daniel had a dream while he was in bed, and he saw an angel come down from heaven. The angel was watching what was happening on Earth.

Where as in Genesis 1:26: Humans have dominion over all creatures, but Daniel 4:13 speaks of a watcher having authority....

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Verse Contradicting Genesis 28:12

According to Moses, this means that Jacob had a special dream where he saw a ladder connecting Earth to Heaven, and God's angels were going up and down on it. This dream showed Jacob that God is always there to help and watch over him.

Where as in John 1:18: Genesis 28:12 depicts an open connection between heaven and earth seen in a dream, while John 1:18 states that no man has seen God, highlighting separ...

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Verse Contradicting Jeremiah 51:61

According to Jeremiah, he told his friend Seraiah that when he goes to the city of Babylon, he should read out loud the messages from God that were written down. This was important because it was a way to share God's words with everyone there.

Where as in Matthew 5:44: Jeremiah 51:61 involves instructions related to destruction, whereas Matthew 5:44 teaches to love enemies and do good to those who persecute you....

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Verse Contradicting Ezekiel 34:5

According to Ezekiel, God's people were lost and in danger because they didn't have a good leader to guide them. Without a shepherd, they were like sheep that got lost and were easily hurt by wild animals.

Where as in Jeremiah 23:3: Unlike Ezekiel 34:5, this verse promises that the scattered flock will be gathered and brought back to their folds, emphasizing divine intervention an...

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Verse Contradicting 1 Thessalonians 2:10

According to Paul, he is saying that God and the people saw how he and his friends behaved in a good and fair way. They tried hard to do the right things when they were with the people who believed in Jesus.

Where as in Romans 3:23: This verse states that all have sinned, which contrasts with 1 Thessalonians 2:10, where Paul claims their behavior was holy and blameless....

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Learn these Paradoxes

Paradox in Ecclesiastes 2:19

Ecclesiastes 2:19 might present a theological inconsistency because it reflects a sense of despair and questioning about the fairness of life and the ...

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Paradox in Romans 9:3

Romans 9:3 could be seen as conflicting with the idea that personal salvation through faith is the most important thing. The verse expresses a wish fo...

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Paradox in Psalms 105:28

The possible historical contradiction with this verse is its description of events in Egypt related to the plagues. Some historians and scholars argue...

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Paradox in Romans 1:27

The verse in question expresses views on sexual behavior that might conflict with contemporary scientific understandings of human sexuality. Today, sc...

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Paradox in Exodus 34:19

The moral contradiction or conflict in that verse could be related to differing views on property and ownership. Some might see it as challenging the ...

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Paradox in 1 Kings 12:18

In 1 Kings 12:18, there might be a contradiction with another verse, 2 Chronicles 10:18, which refers to a character named "Adoram" in one account and...

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