Contradiction with Matthew 22:30
This verse contradicts Luke 20:28 by stating that in the resurrection, people neither marry nor are given in marriage, whereas Luke 20:28 involves the concept of marriage in the resurrection context.
Matthew 22:30: But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying,
Paradox #1
The potential contradiction might involve different laws regarding marriage. In Luke 20:28, there's a reference to the practice of levirate marriage, where a man would marry his brother's widow if the brother died without children. This practice is based on an Old Testament law. Theological issues might arise if one considers New Testament teachings on marriage and familial relationships that focus more on spiritual kinship and the teachings of Jesus, which don't emphasize such obligations. This could seem inconsistent to some readers looking at the New and Old Testament teachings on marriage side by side.
Paradox #2
Some people might see a contradiction in this verse with other biblical teachings that emphasize love, compassion, and the role of women as individuals. The verse touches on inheritance and marriage laws from ancient times, which might seem inconsistent with modern values about gender equality and the freedom to choose one's path. So, the conflict is between traditional customs and contemporary views on personal rights and equality.